CCAPSA, Inc. has a mission to promote drug-free communities and reduce teen substance abuse within the Cobb County area through methods of prevention. Our Drug-Free Kennesaw 365 (DFK365) community coalition has a more centralized focus on preventing prescription (Rx) drug misuse and opioid misuse among youth, ages 18 and under, in the Kennesaw community. Through this program, we encourage community members to practice preventive methods that will reduce access to Rx drugs and opioids, which will result in the prevention of medication misuse that can lead to addiction and other fatal outcomes. Such methods include securely locking up all medications in the home to keep them out of reach for those they are not intended for, in addition to proper disposal of unused or expired Rx drugs… Now, DFK365 has taken its message to Tik Tok!
Tik Tok is a popular video-sharing social networking application that is free to download at your favorite app store. Here, DFK365 shares valuable information that promotes drug-free communities! For example, we recently shared the updated Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) Prescription Drug Flush List to educated followers as to which medications are safe to flush down the toilet, promoting proper disposal. Among other things, we also encourage followers to communicate with youth about alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. It has been proven that having these conversations early and often with youth can serve as a protective factor for teens in which they will more likely choose not to engage in these behaviors! Because of this, we promoted our Text-Back campaign that allows all those who subscribe to receive conversation starters and tips they can use to help facilitate these type of conversations.
All of this and we STILL have more in store! The education just doesn’t stop there! So, go ahead and check us out!