The Best Response Is A QUICK One!

As we are still in the midst of the opioid epidemic, it’s important to know how to respond if you see someone overdose on opioids. An overdose happens when levels of opioids are too high in a person’s system, causing them to lose consciousness and stop breathing. If you’re prepared, you can be the one to save a life!

First, know the signs of an overdose:

  • Won’t wake up. Try rubbing your knuckles hard on their sternum.
  • Slow or no breathing
  • Pale, ashy, cool skin
  • Blue lips or fingernails

Every minute counts in an overdose. If you think someone has overdosed, do the following:

  1. Check for signs of an opioid overdose
  2. Call 911 for help!
  3. Give naloxone and give rescue breaths
  4. Stay with the person until medical help arrives

Naloxone is a prescription medicine that temporarily stops the effect of opioids. It helps a person begin breathing again and wake up from an overdose. It only works on opioid overdoses and cannot be used to get high, nor is it addictive. It can be easily and safely administered by anyone from professional first responders to friends and family. Educate yourself. You never know when you may need to be the one to save a life.

For more information about naloxone, click the link below!

You’re Not Alone With NALOXONE!

To find naloxone near you, visit


More Info – Naloxone Injection

The Good Samaritan Law

DisposeRx Packets

Opioids, Rx Drugs, and Heroin

Prevent Rx Abuse Toolkit

Medication Abuse Prevention: Resource Guide

For ParentsFor Teens, For Educators

Year-Round Drug Disposal