This past week (February 11th–17th) was Children of Addiction Awareness Week. By engaging in open, honest dialogues, we can empower and uplift children affected by addiction, fostering hope and resilience. Let’s make sure these children know that they matter ❤️.…
New Year… BETTER You!
With time, some things get BETTER… and your health should be one of them!
Calling all parents and teens, let’s make the resolution to continue to live our healthiest lifestyles by not engaging in activities like vaping/tobacco use and opioid/prescription …
Holiday Habits: Setting the Record Straight on Alcohol
The holiday season is officially beginning! This means more family time with teens being home during school breaks, which presents a great opportunity to have more open conversations about alcohol. It also gives parents the opportunity to set the record …
Something’s Brewin’!
This spooky season, we’ve got a couple of things a’brewin’ in our communities!
First, the National DEA Rx Take Back Day…
NCHS TAC Students Simluate… Never Emulate!
Our Teen Advisory Council (TAC) students at North Cobb High School were having a little fun with the DUI (“drunk”) simulation googles during one of their meetings. The exercise was meant to be able to experience how difficult it is …
TRENDING: #Sobriety
Provided by one of our own coalition member, Brian DiNapoli, there have been a number of events and articles in circulation where sobriety has become a major focus among youth in communities! These articles depict youth and young adults choosing …
Influence In and Out of The Classroom
In The News: Marijuana and Cobb County
Recently, a medical marijuana dispensary has opened up in Cobb County—the marijuana oil is what is legal now and the dispensary only sells the oil products. The more people that acquire medical marijuana cards, the more dispensaries will pop up …
Community SPOTLIGHT: Lumpkin County High School Students Know They’re Enough
We are so proud of our Lumpkin County High School students who chose not to vape within the last month of taking the 2020 Georgia School Health Survey! They understand that they have enough, they do enough, and they are …