Preventing Rx Drug Misuse! “Don’t Be the Dealer”

Last Saturday, October 26th, was National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. The purpose of this event was to provide communities with a means to safely dispose expired or unused prescription (Rx) drug medication in addition to educating community members about the potential for Rx drug misuse. Such an effort helps to prevent opioid addiction and Rx drug misuse by removing access to the problem from the home, keeping these drugs out of the hands of our youth. Also, it keeps drugs out of our environment and water supply by giving people the option of proper disposal as oppose to flushing medication down the toilet or throwing them in the trash.

Drug-Free Kennesaw 365 partnered with the DEA and Northwest Family YMCA at the YMCA’s Take Back site, collecting 88 lbs of expired or unused Rx drugs! THATS AMAZING!

CHECK US OUT! –> Rx Drug Take Back Day


For more information about Rx Take Back Day, visit the links below!

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

DEA- Rx Drug Take Back Day

If you missed this event, no worries! The next Rx Take Back Day will be in April 2020! Also there are year-round drug disposal sites that you can use to help rid your medicine cabinet of expired or unused medications! Click the link below to find one near you!

Year-Round Drug Disposal

Find a Drug Take Back Location



Opioids, Rx Drugs, and Heroin

Prevent Rx Abuse Toolkit

Medication Abuse Prevention: Resource Guide