New Year… No Vaping!

The Truth Initiative® just released an article describing the results of their recent survey that found most teens are now wanting to quit vaping. The results of the survey detail that more than half of 15- to 24-year-olds surveyed who are currently vaping say they are considering trying to quit vaping as a New Year’s resolution! Their common motivations for this decision includes desiring a healthier lifestyle, financial reasons, and social motivations. The article also provides quit resources that can be useful to share to any youth trying to quit!

To access the article, click the link below:
Truth Initiative® News Article

Shouts and kudos go out to the youth that are making the decision to start their quit journey! We are so proud of you!

If your child or a child you know is currently vaping/smoking and unable to stop, please contact the child’s health care provider, school counselor, or other trusted professional to discuss ways to help them quit. You can also check out some of these other resources below:

Truth Initiative®

This is Quitting


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Quitline: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)

The National Cancer Institute Quitline: 877-44U-QUIT (877-448-7848)

You can also text “TALK” to 85775 to receive other quit resources!

For more info about the effects of tobacco, e-cigarettes, and vaping, follow the link below: