In some cultures, youth drinking alcohol can be seen as a “rite of passage”. With this, there are many myths that have developed and been circulated in regard to alcohol consumption and remedies to over consumption that are now present in the media/TV, music, and/or among family and friends–the main one being that it is safe for youth to consume any alcohol, in general. First and foremost, underage drinking is extremely dangerous because a teen’s body is not fully developed, and drinking alcohol can hinder this development. Also, drinking at an age where one’s brain is under develop increases the risk for alcohol use disorder in addition to many other neurological and health-related issues. So, even under “adult supervision”, underage drinking is NOT safe.

During this year’s National Prevention Week, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) released this fact sheet dispelling common myths associated with underage drinking and alcohol consumption. Check it out below!

Additional Resources and Info


“Talk. They Hear You.”®

“Talk. They Hear You.”®: SAMHSA Campaign 

Facts About Alcohol

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