Ads are everywhere! They’re on TV, websites, within stores/malls, and along the side of the road. Now, they are making their way onto social media platforms, smartphone apps, and games. Just like ads, teens are everywhere, and they are absorbing each and every piece of information they see, hear, and read.
Research has shown that alcohol advertising has a major effect on youth. Check out these studies and their results from The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) regarding alcohol advertising:
- Researchers followed 3,111 students in South Dakota from seventh to ninth grade. They found that exposure to in-store beer displays in the seventh grade predicted the onset of drinking by ninth grade. Moreover, exposure to beer concessions at sports or music events and alcohol advertisement in magazines predicted the frequency of drinking in grade 9.
- If young people like the alcohol ads, themselves, they are more likely to have positive expectancies about alcohol use and intend to try alcohol.
- 80% of general public respondents in a poll by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) believed “alcohol advertising influences youth to drink alcoholic beverages.”
- Alcohol advertisers spend close to an average of $2 billion on alcohol advertising in measured media (television, radio, print, outdoor, major newspapers and Sunday supplements).