YOU can quit smoking TODAY! Improve your chances of quitting by calling the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line (GTQL). When you are ready, they are there!
English: 1-877-270-STOP (1-877-270-7867)
Spanish: 1-855 DEJELO-YA
Hours of Operation: 24/7. Every day, including holidays!
What is the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line?
The Georgia Tobacco Quit Line (GTQL) is a public health service funded by the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement through the Georgia State Legislature. It is a FREE, confidential service available to assist Georgians with quitting smoking cessation from all forms of tobacco. The services provided by the GTQL are effective, evidence-based interventions to help Georgians quit smoking and using any other smokeless tobacco products.
If your child or a child you know is unable to stop vaping/smoking, please contact the child’s health care provider, school counselor, or other trusted professional to discuss ways to help them quit. You can also check out some of these other resources below:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Quitline: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
The National Cancer Institute Quitline: 877-44U-QUIT (877-448-7848)