Celebrating National Prevention Week!

All this week, we are supporting and spreading the word about National Prevention Week, an annual health observance raising awareness and action around substance abuse and mental health issues. Today is when we focus on underage drinking and alcohol misuse.

There’s no better time to discuss such a serious and crucial matter as underage drinking. Summer is filled with celebrations and recreational activities surrounded by alcohol and other illegal substances. There’s graduations, proms, sports events and other outdoor activities, just to name a few. Parents, now is the time to ensure the health and safety of your children. Students, it’s your time to begin thinking of the future, and remembering how dangerous substance abuse really is, no matter how innocent an event or an offer might seem.

Research from SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicates marijuana, cigarette and alcohol use among youth increase between spring and summer.

Spread the word about National Prevention Week, and stay safe!